Tip 1 - Provide foods from each food group - Provide a variety of foods from each of the food groups to give your child the nutrients needed for growth and good health.
- Tip 2 - Serve three balanced meals every day - Don't let your child skip meals, as this may result in snacking foods that have little nutritional value.
Tip 3 - Develop menus - Plan nutritious meals and snack in advance rather than relying on convenience foods
Tip 4 - Reduce junk foods in the home/child care setting - (e.g., soft drinks, candy, potato chips). Have foods from each of the food groups available. Use fats, oils, and sweets sparingly.
Tip 5 - Read the nutrition labels on foods - While grocery shopping, choose foods that are nutritious. Calories in the form of sugar provide energy but very little vitamins and minerals.
Tip 6 - Check with a physician about vitamin supplements - Some children may need a multivitamin to supplement their diet.
Remeber: One of the most valuable "gifts" you can give to your child is a "taste" for nutritional foods that will lead to the early formation of good eating habits.